What We Offer
DE AKASTEN NIKE NIG. LTD. A private Limited liability Company was incorporated under the Company and Allied Matters Decree, and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in 2009 with Registration NO: 842880
The company is to carry on business in the areas of importation of Automobiles and spare parts. Export of lead core, Suppliers of Industrial tools, Facility Management etc. The Head Office of the establishment is 162D, Awolowo Way Alausa Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria .
DE AKASTEN NIKE NIG LTD. is a registered company in Nigeria geared towards offering a full range of sales, rental and services of earth moving equipment, and Automobiles, export of natural resources, and facility management. The team maintains a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect generated through positive relationship with clients. Architects, engineers, subcontractors, suppliers, Agents and Facilitators.
A company-wide policy encouraging shared performance responsibility ensures the highest degree of professional service and result on all projects undertaken, local and foreign inclusive.
Step-by-step we have gradually positioned ourselves as one of the leading business venture trademarked as premium quality providers. Well established as a brand quality, we enjoy a stable relationship with DUBEGS GLOBAL CONCEPTS NIGERIA LTD., PLU & MORE NIGERIA LTD, DAG MOTORS IND NIG LTD, HPC OF AMERICA, ARTHUR UNGENHAN GMBH& co.KG OF GERMANY and many more.
We import new and used cars of all models, brands and types. We are accredited ARMORING PROFESSIONAL OF AMERICA. We export lead ore to ASIA. We provide facility management services to both public and private sectors . Achieving total customer satisfaction by providing reasonably good services in our prime motive.
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